Worth the wait

Worth the wait


Ah, spring in Michigan. You have to experience it to know the pain. You've been through a long, cold winter. You've done your best to embrace the cold (and often you've won, because really a fresh blanket of snow rivals the beauty of just about anything you can image), but there comes a time when even those who claim that snow is their element find themselves at a breaking point. And then, just when you think you can't possibly stand it a moment longer...the sun peaks out, and maybe even stays out long enough to melt some snow, and you can see the light at the end of the tunnel! You break out you lighter jackets and tempt fate. And then of course it snows again. In April. It snows again in April, after all the other snow has melted and you've begun spring clean up. The weather is testing us...it's saying, "I know that you know that this coming adventure, called summer, is amazing...but do you really have the patience to wait for it? Are you willing to slog it out just a bit longer, to reap the reward?" It's like that sometimes with opening a new business. We thought we were there...but we keep finding more things to fix, more things to consider, more ways we aren't prepared. We know it will never be perfect...what fun is perfect anyway? We know it will be summer soon...and it will be glorious! You'll be able to get your hands on some chocolate soon...and it will be glorious! 

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